New year, new site

Hello. Thanks for taking the time to visit my new site and welcome to my blog. I've never attempted to write a blog before and have perhaps sensibly just stuck to Twitter, but here goes. It's much more likely to just be a news section with updates on me and my work, but I might get round to writing some more opinion-based or topical pieces if all goes well.


I've launched this new version of my site today, using the excellent SquareSpace platform. The beauty of which is that I can continue to update and add to each project over time, so expect lots more photos and information on each project over the coming weeks. I'll also be adding lots more archive content to this blog, including my experiences of freelancing and photos of exhibitions and publications I have been featured in. 

So, thanks again for stopping by and if you have any ideas, projects or opportunities you would like to discuss, please get in touch and I'll get straight back to you.
